NYC Local Plan - 2028
NYC are in the process of drawing up a draft plan for developments in the area from 2028.
It will cover housing, employment, retail, leisure, energy and biodiversity. HBC produced something similar in 2018, now being 'followed', particularly regarding housing.
NYC have produced a document 'Call for Sites', encouraging land owners and agents to put forward sites for consideration. Parish Councils have recently been circulated, a copy of which can be viewed here or seen below. It's important that those affected follow what is happening and get involved in the process because once land is designated for certain uses in a local plan, it makes it more difficult to object to planning applications which are in line with the plan.
February 2025 NYC has recently produced a map for the total area showing locations that have to date been submitted for their consideration. They would have to be 'passed' by NYC Planning but based on the previous exercise, which formed the Harrogate Local District Plan (2018-2028) and if the same factors are used, then it is likely that they will be included. One of the sites, by the X-roads (BM2/BM4 as in the Harrogate Plan), has already been accepted and is where Avant currently has an application for 60 homes. Another site, south of the Churchyard, was included in the draft of the Harrogate Plan (BM6). The other 3 sites, a large one on the right of Knaresborough Road entering from Ripon (wrapping round to Moor Road), the large field immediately on the left along Mains Lane (down to the bridge over the stream and with two width variations) plus land opposite Ivy House Farm are all new.
It is immediately noted that all sites bar one are on the far high side of the village and would present similar drainage problems (sewage and surface water) to those highlighted over recent years. The old vicarage would be sandwiched between two housing estates.
Based on previous housing densities, recommended by Harrogate in the current Local Plan, these 5 sites could amount to about 500 properties - currently the village has around 400.